A Philosophy of Care and a
Spirit of Empowerment
Visitation Information for Deer Lake Manor
Deer Lake Manor is pleased to welcome family and friends after a long time away. It is with the utmost respect that we ask you to read and adhere to the following practices we have put in place so that your loved one can have visitors. Please keep in mind that Covid-19 is not welcome at the Manor. We have succeeded in keeping it out for the last 3 months and hope to continue to keep our Residents, your loved ones, safe!
Welcome to Deer Lake Manor
At Deer Lake Manor, our primary objective is to provide the highest quality of life possible for our residents. Experience has taught us that quality of life is much more than a pleasant environment, security, and help with daily activities.
Quality of life necessitates meaningful or purposeful activity, a daily structure, optimal independence and function, dignity through a positive sense of self, physical comfort, peace of mind, spiritual fellowship, a sense of belonging, compatible companionship, enjoyable activities, healthy diversions, humor and love.
We strive to insure that each of our residents has an opportunity to have each of those needs met every day. Central to our philosophy of quality care is the belief that we must focus each day on a spirit of empowerment, purpose and joy; there can be no quality of care without that belief.